Introducing Meg and Pico – your lab assistants!
You might have noticed these cute critters hanging around on our website, Facebook¬†page and Twitter page over the last few weeks. They are the Letterbox Lab Assistants, here to help you play with science! They’ll be arriving in every box you receive once we launch, making suggestions and posing interesting questions about your investigations.

Until now, though, they didn’t have any names! Thankfully last month we asked a whole bunch of helpful kids to choose some names for them. Whilst Riz and Meba and Nema and Tod were both popular, by far and away the most loveable names for the lab assistants were…

Meg and Pico!

You can read all about Meg and Pico on our About¬†page. Keep your eyes peeled for the launch of our super science subscription box early next year – then you’ll finally get to meet them!



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