Painting with Magnets

Magnets can create endless hours of fun. Our Magnetoslime box has some really cool experiments that they can do with magnets, like making magnetic hair, magnetic slime and more! If you have a creative child that loves drawing, and painting, this one is for you! Not only can they create artistic masterpieces for their bedrooms or for your fridge, but they can also learn about colour, and blending colours together to create other colours.

Painting with magnets is super fun, super easy, and we promise it won’t be too messy!

If you have a spare empty shoebox or cardboard box, this will be perfect!

All you will need:

  • Paint
  • Paperclips
  • Magnet
  • Shoebox or cardboard box
  • Paper

Place the piece of paper into your shoebox (or cardboard box).

Place a few drops of paint on to the paper and a paperclip onto the paper.

Now underneath your cardboard box, guide the paperclip with the magnet around the paper and paint and create your works of art. You can add as many or as little colours as you like. Once done, allow the paint to dry or remove the paper from the box to dry on a shelf or counter space and start creating your next painting with magnets! Happy Creating!

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